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If retreat is cancelled more than 1 month in advance, a 70% refund will be issued, whereas if it is cancelled less than 1 month in advance, the cancellation option will be forfeited with 100% of the total amount due.
Wendy Treynor is responsible for the retreat cancellation policy but not the food and accommodation cancellation policy, which may be different, as it is the responsibility of the retreat venue not Wendy Treynor.
Wendy Treynor reserves the right to excuse or dismiss or prevent any participant or guest from participating in the retreat for any reason if their presence is deemed by her to be disruptive to the group.
Wendy Treynor does her best to mitigate all foreseen risks and is not responsible for any unforeseen circumstances like natural disasters or acts of war or death that make running the retreat or event at the planned location impossible. In such cases, a replacement venue will be found, so that the retreat or event can continue as planned, on the scheduled dates and time, nearby, elsewhere. On the other hand, if it is not at all possible to avert the stated situations through relocation, everyone will be refunded in full for their retreat cost, which they directly paid to Wendy Treynor.