THE NEW PSYCHOLOGY of HOW TO BE HAPPY: International Happiness Social Psychologist Dr. Wendy Treynor, Ph.D., is a Pioneer of The New Psychology of Happiness, Bridging Science & Spirit, Putting the Soul ("Psyche") Back in Psychology. Her Revolutionary Research on Happiness & Social Influence, Expressed as the I CAN HEAL® Framework, Changes Lives & is Celebrated by THE #1 NEW YORK TIMES BEST-SELLING AUTHOR, WHO HAS SOLD MILLIONS OF BOOKS IN 35 LANGUAGES, Dr. Adam Grant, & another NEW YORK TIMES BEST-SELLING AUTHOR, Dr. Heidi Hanna, as well. Her Work is Featured on CBS-TV, SUCCESS Magazine, & PSYCHOLOGY TODAY and HAS REACHED OVER A MILLION PEOPLE WORLDWIDE, according to Reach Figures Provided by TV & Radio Shows on which She’s been Interviewed. She’s Given Speeches at U.C.L.A., U.C. BERKELEY, YALE Alumni Club Hong Kong, NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY TAIPEI IMBA, TECHNION ISRAEL INSTITUTE of TECHNOLOGY & UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES in Sydney, Australia, plus at FORTUNE Magazine-Celebrated Companies GOOGLE, MERCER, & PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS, to Name a Few. She’s Given Retreats Internationally, and at the Award-Winning TERRANEA Resort in LA, Voted “Top 5 Hotel Spas in the Continental United States,” by TRAVEL & LEISURE. She Touches Audiences with her Speeches, Blending Story & Scholarship to Empower, Enlighten, Inspire, Entertain, Inform & Transform: She’s Been a STANDING OVATION SPEAKER at THE INSIDE EDGE and THE CONSCIOUS LIFE EXPO and is Listed in WHO’S WHO in AMERICA 2020. See What People are Saying under PRAISE…
THE NEW PSYCHOLOGY of HOW TO BE HAPPY: International Happiness Social Psychologist Dr. Wendy Treynor, Ph.D., is a Pioneer of The New Psychology of Happiness, Bridging Science & Spirit, Putting the Soul ("Psyche") Back in Psychology. Her Revolutionary Research on Happiness & Social Influence, Expressed as the I CAN HEAL® Framework, Changes Lives & is Celebrated by THE #1 NEW YORK TIMES BEST-SELLING AUTHOR, WHO HAS SOLD MILLIONS OF BOOKS IN 35 LANGUAGES, Dr. Adam Grant, & another NEW YORK TIMES BEST-SELLING AUTHOR, Dr. Heidi Hanna, as well. Her Work is Featured on CBS-TV, SUCCESS Magazine, & PSYCHOLOGY TODAY and HAS REACHED OVER A MILLION PEOPLE WORLDWIDE, according to Reach Figures Provided by TV & Radio Shows on which She’s been Interviewed. She’s Given Speeches at U.C.L.A., U.C. BERKELEY, YALE Alumni Club Hong Kong, NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY TAIPEI IMBA, TECHNION ISRAEL INSTITUTE of TECHNOLOGY & UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES in Sydney, Australia, plus at FORTUNE Magazine-Celebrated Companies GOOGLE, MERCER, & PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS, to Name a Few. She’s Given Retreats Internationally, and at the Award-Winning TERRANEA Resort in LA, Voted “Top 5 Hotel Spas in the Continental United States,” by TRAVEL & LEISURE. She Touches Audiences with her Speeches, Blending Story & Scholarship to Empower, Enlighten, Inspire, Entertain, Inform & Transform: She’s Been a STANDING OVATION SPEAKER at THE INSIDE EDGE and THE CONSCIOUS LIFE EXPO and is Listed in WHO’S WHO in AMERICA 2020. See What People are Saying under PRAISE…

A Treasure Map to Happiness®

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 With warmth and humor, as both storyteller and scholar, entertainer and expert, Dr. Wendy Treynor inspires us to overcome perceived obstacles and live up to our true potential as she shares findings from ground-breaking research in Social Psychology that lead to some surprising conclusions. Her presentation inspires hearts and enlightens minds everywhere–now free to feel and see the possibilities where none before existed!

With PhD in Social Psychology from the #1 ranked program in the U.S. (US News & World Report, 2017: U. Michigan, Ann Arbor),  Dr. Wendy Treynor is a teacher of love & self-love, cancer survivor, and workplace bullying survivor-turned social scientist and thought leader on being true to you and happiness.

Using the needle and thread of logic, Dr. Treynor wove foundational social scientific research “patches” together into an overarching “quilt” of understanding, which unintentionally, mirrors the tenets of spiritual truth, providing you with healing self-insight so you can live your happiest life!  In her retreats, keynotes, and training programs, Dr. Treynor presents I CAN HEAL®: A Revolutionary New Framework for Self-Healing based on social psychological principles she uncovered, standing on the shoulders of giants in her field.  These principles include the Identity Shift Effect explanation of the peer pressure process, the Social Influence Explanation of Depression, and the Self-Love Solution to Depression.  The transformative understanding she shares represent a weaving of science and spirit, presenting the world with a new self-healing paradigm that has the potential to transform, uplift, and heal the lives of millions.

As a depression survivor-turned happiness expert who formerly wanted to end her own life, for lack of being able to see or feel the possibilities, Dr. Treynor can empathize with any audience. She even wished for cancer as an “easy exit route,” and her wish came true, emancipating her to discover true happiness–an unending joy that can only come from within–as detailed in her Gift of Cancer book and talk: “A Treasure Map to Happiness®!

The deep understanding she shares allowed her to escape depression without psychotherapy, anti-depressants, or shock therapy, as evidenced by her own life-turnaround healing from depression and cancer, where she applied what she knew scientifically to her own life.  Now she shares her treasure map to happiness with your audience, so they, too, can reclaim their health, happiness, and wholeness by feeling the love and joy they are!

Dr. Treynor’s heartfelt wish is that all people will ultimately “cure their own depression” with self-love, either by reading or hearing her story.  Those in her audience who are cancer survivors can potentially double their lifespan, as cancer survivors without depression live twice as long, whereas cancer survivors with depression live only half as long (credit goes to Dr. Kelly A. Turner for this statistic).


1) contents of Dr. Treynor’s  book The Gift of Cancer have been proven to be helpful for overcoming depression, in so far as  everyone (100% of people) in a  study said they would give the book to friends struggling with depression

2) contents of Dr. Treynor’s  book The Gift of Cancer have been scientifically proven to make people significantly happier

3) Dr. Treynor’s talk The Gift of Cancer (also known as A Treasure Map to Happiness!) has been scientifically proven to increase love of life, which means, simply by hearing Dr. Treynor speak, your group will be experiencing a live form of one of New York Times Bestselling Author Dr. Kelly A. Turner’s radical remission healing factors.  (This particular study was run in 2010 with funding from The Lloyd Symington Foundation.)

Furthermore, you can see that Dr. Treynor is a depression scholar: Her 2003 depression article (with colleagues Richard Gonzalez and the belated Susan Nolen-Hoeksema) in a peer-reviewed journal has over 2,000 citations and counting (see depression article called ruminationreconsidered03 and count on Google Scholar).

Lastly, with Dr. Wendy Treynor as your speaker, you receive a rare mix of story and scholarship, entertainment and inspiration, knowledge and wisdom, science and spirit,  mind and heart, leaving your group with a fresh perspective on life as well as love for it!


Book Dr. Treynor as your happiness speaker by calling 310-YES-LOVE today! Alternatively, you can leave a message below:

[contact-form to=’’ subject=’Speaking Inquiry’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Website’ type=’url’/][contact-field label=’Message’ type=’textarea’/][/contact-form]







Don't Believe Everything You Think SNIP CLIP


d) “DR. TREYNOR SPEAKS” SHOWCASE VIDEO with FULL-LENGTH PRESENTATION (133 MIN): (Enter Meeting Planner’s Passcode to Watch Video)

2015.08.10.Happiness Speaker Snip Clip

DVD’s of the above showcase video can be mailed upon request to meeting planners: Simply send a note above with your name, title, mailing address, and event date, requesting it.



2015.07.25.Wendy Treynor Cancer and Wellness Events One Sheet

2012.04.11.Quantitative Evaluation Assessment of Dr. Wendy Treynor’s Presentations

2015.11.10. Why People Become Sheeple on PSYCHOLOGY TODAY Blog: Identity Shift: When the Need to Belong Goes Awry

Discovering the Treasure Within Article in Coping Magazine

2012.04.10.CBS TV


2015.07.31.ABOUT WENDY’S 2009 BOOK (integrating social science and spirit, introducing an explanation of depression’s root and exit route: self-love)



Photo of Wendy Treynor



“Dr. Wendy Treynor is a delight! As you listen to her talk you will sense her sweet soul, great heart and brilliant mind. The material she presents is powerful, important and unique. Dr. Wendy offers awesome insights into provocative material, blending science and spirituality–leaving you inspired and with much to think on”

-Dr. Jonathan Ellerby Executive Director
Althea Center, Denver Colorado Two-Time Best-Selling Hay House Author of “Return to the Sacred” &”Inspiration Deficit Disorder”
Former Spiritual Program Director of the World-Class
Canyon Ranch Resorts

“Your talk today to the Optimists was a big hit. So personal, yet universal, so idealistic yet real. You captured the audience and took them for your ride, which, in turn, was their ride. You must have felt it – you touched the audience. What a special gift!”

-Kane Phelps, MA, LMFT, CT

President Elect, The Optimist Club, Pacific Palisades, California

“Wendy is a dynamic and engaging speaker. With wit and warmth, she masterfully knows how to connect with a diverse audience with humor and the ability to tell a good story.”

– Rev. Dr. Robert Ganung

Chaplain at The Taft School, Connecticut



”Wendy Treynor has written a wise, deep, touching, and funny meditation upon her experience with cancer. This is an honest and uplifting book, one that will empower and enlighten you.”
-Dacher Keltner, Professor of Psychology, UC Berkeley
Author of Born To Be Good:The Science of a Meaningful Life

”Wendy Treynor’s research has revealed powerful insights about human psychology, and now she shares the moving experiences from her personal journey.”

“This beautiful book is a gift and therefore no surprise that its genesis is the truth of Wendy Treynor. I have never before read a book with such raw truth in it. Wendy is living proof that even cancer can be a gift, when we use it to discover and live once more as our TrueSelf. In doing so, we heal our lives.”

– Derek Mills (The StandardsGuy®), Author of the BESTSELLING BOOK The 10-Second Philosophy®. Creator of the StandardsRevolution(TM)


SPEAKING TRACK RECORD: As either researcher, inspirational speaker, or retreat/workshop leader,  Dr. Wendy Treynor has presented internationally (AUSTRALIA, TAIWAN, ISRAEL, INDIA, QATAR, ENGLAND, IRELAND, NETHERLANDS, AUSTRIA, GERMANY, SOUTH AFRICA, & SCOTLAND), nationally (LA; DENVER; PORTLAND; SEATTLE; ANN ARBOR; ROCK HILL, SOUTH CAROLINA; WATERTOWN, CONNECTICUT; BOSTON), and locally at trusted businesses, institutions, and organizations including:


Findhorn, Findhorn, Scotland

Henderson Rowe, London, England

63, London, England

ACIM, Woking, England

The Sanctuary, Koh Phangan, Thailand

The Marriott Sukhumvit, Bangkok, Thailand

Mahara Holistic Living, Amsterdam, Netherlands

IMBA Program, College of Commerce, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan

Taipei First Girls High School, Taipei, Taiwan

Rayliant Global Advisors, Taipei, Taiwan

Mercer, Hong Kong

The Yale Club of Yale University, Hong Kong

Premia Partners, Hong Kong

PricewaterhouseCoopers, Hong Kong

Gardiner English Reading Club, Shanghai, China

Global MBA/EMBA alumni community, MBA Bibles, Shanghai, China

Heneka & Goldschmidt, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Sabine Strasser, Oberding, Germany

Seminarhof Schleglberg, Rottenbach, Austria

Loughan Sisterhood Circle, Loughan House, Keenagh, County Longford, Ireland

Watkins Books: London, England

Toastmasters: Doha, Qatar

Centre for Spiritual Philosophy: Cape Town, South Africa

Tree House: Somerset West, South Africa

University of New South Wales: Sydney, Australia

University of Sydney: Sydney, Australia

The Grand Hyatt: Taipei, Taiwan

Technion Israel Institute of Technology: Haifa, Israel

Centre for Learning: Bangalore, India


Shriner’s Children’s Hospital: Los Angeles, CA

Synergy Yoga & Wellness: Rock Hill, South Carolina

The Taft School: Watertown, Connecticut

Unity Boston: Boston, MA

University of Michigan: Ann Arbor, MI

Western Washington University: Bellingham, WA

Althea Center for Engaged Spirituality: Denver, CO

University of Delaware: Newark, DE

AHNA Conference: Portland, OR


Google Company: Mountain View, CA

1440 Multiversity: Scotts Valley, CA

UC Berkeley: Berkeley, CA

UCLA: Los Angeles, CA

UC Santa Barbara: Santa Barbara, CA

New Living Expo: San Francisco, CA

Whole Foods Market: Venice, Torrance, Redondo Beach, CA

Belmont Village Senior Living: Rancho Palos Verdes, CA

Dignity Health: St. John’s Regional Medical Center: Ventura, CA

Community Memorial Healthcare System: Ventura, CA

Optimist International: Pacific Palisades, CA

USC: Los Angeles, CA

The Oaks at Ojai Spa: Ojai, CA

Cancer Support Community/ Wellness Community: Redondo Beach, Pasadena, San Jose, CA

Conscious Life Expo: Los Angeles, CA

Krishnamurti Foundation of America: Ojai, CA


Book Dr. Wendy as a keynoter for your next event, convention, meeting, or conference by calling 310-YES-LOVE today!