THE NEW PSYCHOLOGY of HOW TO BE HAPPY: International Happiness Social Psychologist Dr. Wendy Treynor, Ph.D., is a Pioneer of The New Psychology of Happiness, Bridging Science & Spirit, Putting the Soul (“Psyche”) Back in Psychology. Her Revolutionary Research on Happiness & Social Influence, Expressed as the I CAN HEAL® Framework, Changes Lives & is Celebrated by THE #1 NEW YORK TIMES BEST-SELLING AUTHOR, WHO HAS SOLD MILLIONS OF BOOKS IN 35 LANGUAGES, Dr. Adam Grant, & another NEW YORK TIMES BEST-SELLING AUTHOR, Dr. Heidi Hanna, as well. Her Work is Featured on CBS-TV, SUCCESS Magazine, & PSYCHOLOGY TODAY and HAS REACHED OVER A MILLION PEOPLE WORLDWIDE, according to Reach Figures Provided by TV & Radio Shows on which She’s been Interviewed. She’s Given Speeches at U.C.L.A., U.C. BERKELEY, YALE Alumni Club Hong Kong, NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY TAIPEI IMBA, TECHNION ISRAEL INSTITUTE of TECHNOLOGY & UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES in Sydney, Australia, plus at FORTUNE Magazine-Celebrated Companies GOOGLE, MERCER, & PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS, to Name a Few. She’s Given Retreats Internationally, and at the Award-Winning TERRANEA Resort in LA, Voted “Top 5 Hotel Spas in the Continental United States,” by TRAVEL & LEISURE. She Touches Audiences with her Speeches, Blending Story & Scholarship to Empower, Enlighten, Inspire, Entertain, Inform & Transform: She’s Been a STANDING OVATION SPEAKER at THE INSIDE EDGE and THE CONSCIOUS LIFE EXPO and is Listed in WHO’S WHO in AMERICA 2020
THE NEW PSYCHOLOGY of HOW TO BE HAPPY: International Happiness Social Psychologist Dr. Wendy Treynor, Ph.D., is a Pioneer of The New Psychology of Happiness, Bridging Science & Spirit, Putting the Soul (“Psyche”) Back in Psychology. Her Revolutionary Research on Happiness & Social Influence, Expressed as the I CAN HEAL® Framework, Changes Lives & is Celebrated by THE #1 NEW YORK TIMES BEST-SELLING AUTHOR, WHO HAS SOLD MILLIONS OF BOOKS IN 35 LANGUAGES, Dr. Adam Grant, & another NEW YORK TIMES BEST-SELLING AUTHOR, Dr. Heidi Hanna, as well. Her Work is Featured on CBS-TV, SUCCESS Magazine, & PSYCHOLOGY TODAY and HAS REACHED OVER A MILLION PEOPLE WORLDWIDE, according to Reach Figures Provided by TV & Radio Shows on which She’s been Interviewed. She’s Given Speeches at U.C.L.A., U.C. BERKELEY, YALE Alumni Club Hong Kong, NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY TAIPEI IMBA, TECHNION ISRAEL INSTITUTE of TECHNOLOGY & UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES in Sydney, Australia, plus at FORTUNE Magazine-Celebrated Companies GOOGLE, MERCER, & PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS, to Name a Few. She’s Given Retreats Internationally, and at the Award-Winning TERRANEA Resort in LA, Voted “Top 5 Hotel Spas in the Continental United States,” by TRAVEL & LEISURE. She Touches Audiences with her Speeches, Blending Story & Scholarship to Empower, Enlighten, Inspire, Entertain, Inform & Transform: She’s Been a STANDING OVATION SPEAKER at THE INSIDE EDGE and THE CONSCIOUS LIFE EXPO and is Listed in WHO’S WHO in AMERICA 2020

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Our Purpose:                                                                                                                                   

* to teach Love & Self-Love to end suffering

* to restore Integrity at the individual and collective levels

* to help people find a Community of like-minded others

* to give people a Voice

* to move people from victimhood to Self-Empowerment

* to help people Heal themselves physically, emotionally, spiritually, and socially

* to restore individual and collective Happiness, Health, and Wholeness

* to restore the Earth and its peoples to a state of Harmony and Balance


Our Mission:

The mission of the I CAN HEAL® movement is to teach love & self-love: to help us remember who we are and all that is, because we’ve been socialized away from love & loving ourselves, through conditional love, to feel fear, guilt, or shame about ourselves; consequently, we come to forget who we are, believe the false to be true, and suffer, so that we no longer feel free or happy.

The I CAN HEAL® movement serves to end suffering by shedding light on falsehood, through:

1)      Integration: offering a scientifically-grounded explanation of how we were led astray (that is, how we were socialized away from love)

2)     Meditation: encouraging realignment of our compass back to “true north,” or truth, through the practice of meditation (that is, meditation is the de-socialization process back to love)

3)    Affiliation: providing opportunities to navigate ourselves into social environments that accept us as we are and connect with like-minded others, online or offline

so that we can feel the love and joy we are, again, and reclaim our inherent freedom and happiness.

By teaching love & self-love, the I CAN HEAL® movement seeks to restore integrity at the individual and collective levels by providing us with experiential insight into our true nature, of being loved, love, and loveable (ending fear, guilt, and shame), infusing us with the courage and strength to be who we truly are, and to truly love and care for ourselves.

By staying true to our hearts and loving ourselves, we inspire others to stay to true to their hearts and love themselves, also; in this way, we work towards the unleashing of human potential, and the liberation of the human spirit for all, restoring harmony and balance to the Earth and its peoples, so that all people may experience, and know, happiness, love, peace, truth, and freedom.



As the I CAN HEAL® MOVEMENT progresses, share your ideas and receive updates of how you can get involved and make a difference. If you would like to show your support by joining the I CAN HEAL® MOVEMENT, please do so, by providing your name and email address in the space below. To thank you for your support and participation, you will receive daily, inspirational video, quotes, and essays from Dr. Wendy, delivered to your inbox! Thank you for making a difference!