THE NEW PSYCHOLOGY of HOW TO BE HAPPY: International Happiness Social Psychologist Dr. Wendy Treynor, Ph.D., is a Pioneer of The New Psychology of Happiness, Bridging Science & Spirit, Putting the Soul (“Psyche”) Back in Psychology. Her Revolutionary Research on Happiness & Social Influence, Expressed as the I CAN HEAL® Framework, Changes Lives & is Celebrated by THE #1 NEW YORK TIMES BEST-SELLING AUTHOR, WHO HAS SOLD MILLIONS OF BOOKS IN 35 LANGUAGES, Dr. Adam Grant, & another NEW YORK TIMES BEST-SELLING AUTHOR, Dr. Heidi Hanna, as well. Her Work is Featured on CBS-TV, SUCCESS Magazine, & PSYCHOLOGY TODAY and HAS REACHED OVER A MILLION PEOPLE WORLDWIDE, according to Reach Figures Provided by TV & Radio Shows on which She’s been Interviewed. She’s Given Speeches at U.C.L.A., U.C. BERKELEY, YALE Alumni Club Hong Kong, NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY TAIPEI IMBA, TECHNION ISRAEL INSTITUTE of TECHNOLOGY & UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES in Sydney, Australia, plus at FORTUNE Magazine-Celebrated Companies GOOGLE, MERCER, & PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS, to Name a Few. She’s Given Retreats Internationally, and at the Award-Winning TERRANEA Resort in LA, Voted “Top 5 Hotel Spas in the Continental United States,” by TRAVEL & LEISURE. She Touches Audiences with her Speeches, Blending Story & Scholarship to Empower, Enlighten, Inspire, Entertain, Inform & Transform: She’s Been a STANDING OVATION SPEAKER at THE INSIDE EDGE and THE CONSCIOUS LIFE EXPO and is Listed in WHO’S WHO in AMERICA 2020
THE NEW PSYCHOLOGY of HOW TO BE HAPPY: International Happiness Social Psychologist Dr. Wendy Treynor, Ph.D., is a Pioneer of The New Psychology of Happiness, Bridging Science & Spirit, Putting the Soul (“Psyche”) Back in Psychology. Her Revolutionary Research on Happiness & Social Influence, Expressed as the I CAN HEAL® Framework, Changes Lives & is Celebrated by THE #1 NEW YORK TIMES BEST-SELLING AUTHOR, WHO HAS SOLD MILLIONS OF BOOKS IN 35 LANGUAGES, Dr. Adam Grant, & another NEW YORK TIMES BEST-SELLING AUTHOR, Dr. Heidi Hanna, as well. Her Work is Featured on CBS-TV, SUCCESS Magazine, & PSYCHOLOGY TODAY and HAS REACHED OVER A MILLION PEOPLE WORLDWIDE, according to Reach Figures Provided by TV & Radio Shows on which She’s been Interviewed. She’s Given Speeches at U.C.L.A., U.C. BERKELEY, YALE Alumni Club Hong Kong, NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY TAIPEI IMBA, TECHNION ISRAEL INSTITUTE of TECHNOLOGY & UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES in Sydney, Australia, plus at FORTUNE Magazine-Celebrated Companies GOOGLE, MERCER, & PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS, to Name a Few. She’s Given Retreats Internationally, and at the Award-Winning TERRANEA Resort in LA, Voted “Top 5 Hotel Spas in the Continental United States,” by TRAVEL & LEISURE. She Touches Audiences with her Speeches, Blending Story & Scholarship to Empower, Enlighten, Inspire, Entertain, Inform & Transform: She’s Been a STANDING OVATION SPEAKER at THE INSIDE EDGE and THE CONSCIOUS LIFE EXPO and is Listed in WHO’S WHO in AMERICA 2020


I CAN HEAL® TRUE SELF ADVENTURE Multi-Day Italy Self-Love Solstice Rustic Retreat 2025: June 21-27 with Wendy & her Team



  1. A Year of Bi-Weekly Group Coaching with Dr. Wendy
  2. Two Happiness Books by Dr. Wendy Mailed to Your Shipping Address Free of Charge
  3. An MP3 of Dr. Wendy’s Greatest Hits Album
  4. Exclusive Access to Dr. Wendy’s “Don’t Believe Everything You Think” Talk on Video on Vimeo
  5. Meditate with Wendy 365 Days a Year, Starting Tomorrow!

Congratulations on reserving your spot to the I CAN HEAL®  7-Day Italy Self-Love Solstice Rustic Retreat 2025! Questions? Call 1-310-YES-LOVE, anytime!

See you at the retreat!


Wendy & her Team




“The I CAN HEAL® Retreat I attended this weekend is worth more money than anyone could pay. It is a treasure beyond measure, worth millions of dollars to the seeker of Truth.…The experience has been a salving balm to my lifelong emotional wounds….Now I see the logic of what I know to be Truth….Thank you for the treasures you unearthed, for the light you reveal.”

-Trisha Brick, MSW from USC, Credentialed Teacher, Cognitive Transactional Analyst

“A Fantastic Program …”

– FeiFei Li, Research Affiliates, LLC, Newport Beach, California