THE NEW PSYCHOLOGY of HOW TO BE HAPPY: International Happiness Social Psychologist Dr. Wendy Treynor, Ph.D., is a Pioneer of The New Psychology of Happiness, Bridging Science & Spirit, Putting the Soul (“Psyche”) Back in Psychology. Her Revolutionary Research on Happiness & Social Influence, Expressed as the I CAN HEAL® Framework, Changes Lives & is Celebrated by THE #1 NEW YORK TIMES BEST-SELLING AUTHOR, WHO HAS SOLD MILLIONS OF BOOKS IN 35 LANGUAGES, Dr. Adam Grant, & another NEW YORK TIMES BEST-SELLING AUTHOR, Dr. Heidi Hanna, as well. Her Work is Featured on CBS-TV, SUCCESS Magazine, & PSYCHOLOGY TODAY and HAS REACHED OVER A MILLION PEOPLE WORLDWIDE, according to Reach Figures Provided by TV & Radio Shows on which She’s been Interviewed. She’s Given Speeches at U.C.L.A., U.C. BERKELEY, YALE Alumni Club Hong Kong, NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY TAIPEI IMBA, TECHNION ISRAEL INSTITUTE of TECHNOLOGY & UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES in Sydney, Australia, plus at FORTUNE Magazine-Celebrated Companies GOOGLE, MERCER, & PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS, to Name a Few. She’s Given Retreats Internationally, and at the Award-Winning TERRANEA Resort in LA, Voted “Top 5 Hotel Spas in the Continental United States,” by TRAVEL & LEISURE. She Touches Audiences with her Speeches, Blending Story & Scholarship to Empower, Enlighten, Inspire, Entertain, Inform & Transform: She’s Been a STANDING OVATION SPEAKER at THE INSIDE EDGE and THE CONSCIOUS LIFE EXPO and is Listed in WHO’S WHO in AMERICA 2020
THE NEW PSYCHOLOGY of HOW TO BE HAPPY: International Happiness Social Psychologist Dr. Wendy Treynor, Ph.D., is a Pioneer of The New Psychology of Happiness, Bridging Science & Spirit, Putting the Soul (“Psyche”) Back in Psychology. Her Revolutionary Research on Happiness & Social Influence, Expressed as the I CAN HEAL® Framework, Changes Lives & is Celebrated by THE #1 NEW YORK TIMES BEST-SELLING AUTHOR, WHO HAS SOLD MILLIONS OF BOOKS IN 35 LANGUAGES, Dr. Adam Grant, & another NEW YORK TIMES BEST-SELLING AUTHOR, Dr. Heidi Hanna, as well. Her Work is Featured on CBS-TV, SUCCESS Magazine, & PSYCHOLOGY TODAY and HAS REACHED OVER A MILLION PEOPLE WORLDWIDE, according to Reach Figures Provided by TV & Radio Shows on which She’s been Interviewed. She’s Given Speeches at U.C.L.A., U.C. BERKELEY, YALE Alumni Club Hong Kong, NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY TAIPEI IMBA, TECHNION ISRAEL INSTITUTE of TECHNOLOGY & UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES in Sydney, Australia, plus at FORTUNE Magazine-Celebrated Companies GOOGLE, MERCER, & PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS, to Name a Few. She’s Given Retreats Internationally, and at the Award-Winning TERRANEA Resort in LA, Voted “Top 5 Hotel Spas in the Continental United States,” by TRAVEL & LEISURE. She Touches Audiences with her Speeches, Blending Story & Scholarship to Empower, Enlighten, Inspire, Entertain, Inform & Transform: She’s Been a STANDING OVATION SPEAKER at THE INSIDE EDGE and THE CONSCIOUS LIFE EXPO and is Listed in WHO’S WHO in AMERICA 2020

I CAN HEAL® Personalized Retreat




CHOOSE TO REGISTER BELOW FOR EITHER: OCT 11 -13, 2019 or OCT 18 – 20, 2019





When it Comes to Happiness, Are You a Beggar Sitting on a Pot of Gold?

Learn the Secret to Happiness before Life Passes You By…at the  I CAN HEAL® Retreat

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Personalized I CAN HEAL® Retreat for Extraordinary Individuals

Fun & Freedom with Dr. Wendy Treynor, Happiness & Social Influence Expert, as Seen on CBS-TV, SUCCESS MAGAZINE, & PSYCHOLOGY TODAY®

Oct 11 – 13, 2019 or Oct 18 – 20, 2019: Friday 4:00 pm – Sunday 5:00 pm

Event Location: Luxurious & Gorgeous Private Mansion by the Ocean in LA with Jacuzzi Tub, Fireplace, & Ocean Views plus Sunset Swims and Morning Seaside Walks




2018.02.28.RETREAT BACK

If you want to be happy, this may be the most important invitation you ever read.

Have you ever heard the story about the person begging for money who was sitting on a treasure chest of gold? If we have everything but are still unhappy, know that we are a bit like this beggar searching for happiness outside ourselves, when the riches we truly seek lie within ourselves. Yes, it’s time for us to unearth the treasures that we are, so we can stop seeking fulfillment and start feeling fulfilled!

Have you ever noticed how every pleasure we feel is temporary or fleeting? Pleasurable experiences wane in their pleasure-giving ability over time. Indeed, it seems like every good thing always ends. Fortunately, there is a way to feel joy without the experience of joy diminishing over time, as these pleasures do. Isn’t it good to know there is another way? In our time together, I will teach you how to feel this unending joy and explain the reason why the method I teach works!

Please let me introduce myself. My name is Dr. Wendy Treynor, and I am a teacher, scholar, and healer who specializes in happiness. I am also a PhD psychologist and cancer survivor who cured my own depression without drugs, using scientific, social-psychological principles that can be explained simply. In just days, I share with you powerful principles that took me over a decade of research and inquiry to learn!

Reclaim your Self, your Happiness, your Freedom—the Truth!

Did you know that I believe there is a Hidden Book of Knowledge that has been lost over the centuries that once provided a map of the Self–the Truth of who you are?

This map, presumably, was lost or stolen, but has since been recovered!

Miraculously, it was found, unintentionally and serendipitously, when, I, as a Truth-seeker, in my search for Truth, sewed together foundational patches of social science research findings into an overarching tapestry of understanding using the threads of logic…

Before I knew it, what emerged from them was a map of the Self—a map to the Soul—which I soon discovered to be A Treasure Map to Happiness® (Hint: You ARE the Treasure!).

To my astonishment, This Map explains how we were led away, astray from ourselves, and given a false mask to wear, instead of our True Face, and false directions about where to find happiness: by seeking approval outside of ourselves instead of going within and learning self-acceptance.

Yes, sadly, we were misled. It’s as if we were handed a hall of mirrors, so we could not see our true reflection, in its perfect form and all its loveliness! Instead of seeing our beauty, perfection, we saw misshapen forms and were taught of “lack” or “ugliness,” rather than being the given the True Story about Who We Are and our wholeness and perfection.

As long as we don’t know our True Self, we cannot be Truly Happy. Fortunately, with the Map to the Soul, now we can find our True Self and True Happiness!

The I CAN HEAL® Retreat I give empowers you to know your True Face– the Truth of Who You Are– so you can Know Yourself and finally experience True Happiness—happiness that is unending!

It’s time to set the story straight, so that Truth can be known and you can reap the amazing benefits and access your deep wisdom and realize your highest heartfelt aspirations!

In The Hidden Book of Knowledge, shared exclusively in the I CAN HEAL® retreat, insight after insight is revealed about your True Nature, unhinging and overturning common, mistaken beliefs, replaced by Deep Truths, so you can know Your Self, Your True Face, as if for the first time—a Self long-forgotten!

Once you know the secret of your True Self– your True Face– you cannot help but be forever happy!

But how do you unearth the Treasure that you are?

Rest assured that in the I CAN HEAL® retreat, you will learn Who You Are, enabling you to live the rest of your life with a joy that doesn’t end, because you will obtain True-Self Knowledge—and as long as you remember this Truth, you will remain Truly Happy!

That’s not all… Along with your True Self and True Happiness comes True Freedom and True Love…That’s right: With True Self-Knowledge comes unending happiness, unending freedom, and unending love. It is the Gift of a lifetime, and as one of our retreat participants said:

“The I CAN HEAL® Retreat I attended this weekend is worth more money than anyone could pay. It is a treasure beyond measure, worth millions of dollars to the seeker of Truth.…The experience has been a salving balm to my lifelong emotional wounds….Now I see the logic of what I know to be Truth….Thank you for the treasures you unearthed, for the light you reveal.”

-Trisha Brick, MSW from USC, Credentialed Teacher, Cognitive Transactional Analyst


See What Other People Are Saying!

“I enjoyed the whole session and I am quite amazed with the framework you used to structure your findings, experience, and wisdom. Most importantly, the non-stop joy and happiness you pour to everyone from the bottom of your heart is the essence that allows people to open, and transform. That’s your treasure. The treasure that helps others to find theirs.”

Dio Chiu, Chief Operation Officer, TEDx Taipei


“Wendy’s energy, enthusiasm, knowledge are beautifully woven into a capitivating, inspired ‘tapestry’

–stunning, dazzling color, intricate & warm.

Bravo, Wendy!”

Erica Miguel

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“A +”

– Theresa Weber

Recalibrate Your Compass, Connect with Your Heart & Allow Yourself to Follow It!

“Wonderful, uplifting, another piece of the puzzle–a great part of my journey.”

-Sarah, Wisdom Keeper

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“A Fantastic Program …”

– FeiFei Li, Research Affiliates, LLC, Newport Beach


“You have truly inspired me. Your love, joy and kindness. They are like divine energy showered on us. Please do continue with your work and spreading your message for it is a gift from God. The framework, the step-by-step knowledge and wisdom is going to be such a uplifting to human being. And I pray to God that wherever you go, you will shine like a thousand stars and your essence of being, your divinity, will heal and help those people in need.”

Prem Yang, Taiwan

Realign Your Compass, Connect with Your Heart & Follow It!

“I really like this framework which helps us to understand the root cause of why we are not happy even when we have a lot already. It’s great to know a solution exists that could lead us to a happier and more fulfilling life.”

– Jacob Chi, Taiwan



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Friday 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm:

Module 1: Why You Can Feel Like a Captive on a Ship, Run by a Crew of Pirates

Understanding the Socialization Process

  • Heal wounds from your past to feel happier, lighter, now, & in the future
  • Find forgiveness—forgive others; forgive yourself—so you can be at peace
  • Acquire self-insight by discovering a root cause of inner & outer conflict


Friday 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm:

Module 2: How You Can Declare Mutiny & Become Your Own Skipper

Understanding the De-Socialization Process

  • Learn how to cure socially-induced depression, & release shame & guilt, so you can feel happy again
  • Discover how to preserve your joy by “unplugging” yourself emotionally from the group
  • Find the freedom to be the person you were born be


Saturday 9:00 am – 10:30 am:

Module 3: Find True North by Recalibrating Your Compass: Part I

Examining the Voices of Influence in Your Life: Distinguishing the False from the True

  • Release long-held emotional wounds to feel more buoyant & alive, now, & in the future
  • Gain transformative self-insight, so you can empower yourself to feel your freedom
  • Eliminate false beliefs that are holding you back from achieving your goals


Saturday 10:30 am – 12:00 pm

Module 4: Find True North by Recalibrating Your Compass: Part II

Excavating True-Self from the Rubble of Rabble: From Lost to Found!

  • Be able to answer the question: “Who am I?” giving you confidence in your life purpose
  • Come to know yourself As You Truly Are, which is awe-inspiring & liberating
  • Find the courage to accept the person you really are, bringing you unfathomable joy


Saturday 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm

Module 5: Your Life Jacket for Navigating the Ocean of Emotion

3 Ways to Rid Yourself of Negative Emotion

  • Stop riding the waves of emotion in your life, & learn how to soar above them
  • Feel self-acceptance & self-compassion, so you can experience yourself as a miracle
  • Be inspired to practice of self-care, so you can discover and wholly accept the person you truly are, allowing yourself to actualize your true potential


Saturday 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm

Module 6: The Winds in Your Sails: How to Harness the Winds so They Blow in Your Favor

Harnessing the Winds of Time to Achieve Your Goals & Dreams

  • Remember your dream or the childhood dreams that you had for yourself
  • Design an easy action plan to achieve your life-long dream, confidently
  • Create a life of meaning & purpose, so you can feel fulfilled & happy


Sunday 10:00 am – 11:30 am

Module 7: How to Steer a Clear Course in the Storms of Life

Understand How Love Works & Use Love to Make Miracles Happen in Your Life Right Now

  • Overcome sorrow, disappointment, or heartbreak
  • Discover how to feel love when there seems to be none—in this moment & every moment
  • Find the courage to love unconditionally


Sunday 11:30 am – 1:00 pm

Module 8: Arrive at Your Destination & Find Buried Treasure

A Treasure Map to Happiness: You are the Treasure You Have Been Searching For

  • Feel inspired to become the skipper of your own life, so you can create a life worth living
  • Recalibrate your compass by connecting with your heart & allowing yourself to follow it
  • Come home to your final destination, True North, and unearth the Treasure that you are!


Sunday 2:30 pm – 5:00 pm

Module 9: Friendship Circle Closing

Now that You have Found Your Treasure, Share It!

  • Make meaningful connections with other extraordinary individuals
  • Stay in touch with new-found accountability partners to help you stay on track with your new intentions, dreams, goals, aspirations
  • Create fun and friendship, play games with prizes, dance like no one’s watching, and celebrate love, life, yourself, and the possibilities, having unearthed the Treasure that you are!
blooming lotusTestimonials for Dr. Wendy Events
“Dr. Wendy Treynor is a delight! As you listen to her talk you will sense her sweet soul, great heart and brilliant mind. The material she presents is powerful, important and unique. Dr. Wendy offers awesome insights into provocative material, blending science and spirituality–leaving you inspired and with much to think on.”
-Dr. Jonathan Ellerby
Executive Director of the Althea Center, Denver Colorado
Two-Time Best-Selling Hay House Author of “Return to the Sacred” and “Inspiration Deficit Disorder”
Former Spiritual Program Director for the World-Class Canyon Ranch Resorts

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“It was fabulous….Superb!”
-Meredith Grenier, Journalist, The Daily Breeze

“…Wendy is an electric speaker.”
-Michelle Kobayashi

-Pat Johnson, Pat Johnson Studios

“Delightful, insightful and expertly & lovingly presented.”
-Paula Anding, Mrs, Coast Lighting South Bay

-Emanuel Zevallos, CEO, Interactive Live

“Brilliant[.] Excellent. Powerful. Compassionate[.]”
-Lisa Hasham, Social Worker, M.S.W.

-Denise Pope, Property Administrator, Raytheon

“Here comes a female bodhisattva [“wisdom being”] about to go planetary….”
-Charles Vincent Davis, Representative A.T.O.M.

“… inspiring, loving, and life-changing …”

“… her enthusiasm and vivacity are amazing.”
-Kathryn Lee

“…[S]he lifted my inner being! .…[Wendy has a] gift .…great enthusiasm, energy, it’s contagious”
-Peggy Maddox

“You are a rock star. You made me smile, cry, and gave me a positive way to look at things[.]”
-Linda Montano

-Bernard Schmidt

“Fantastic! Thank you for this amazing experience”
-Harriet Schmidt

“Wendy is pure joy.”
-Les Krzcuk

-Stan Field

“. . . A+ ”

-Lem Bradley

“Wonderful, Positive Energy A Bright, Timely Message”
-Lindsay Bern

–Stanley Field

“The strongest energy that was there was love.”
–Kasey Kugel

–Mr. Zsolt Carl Petroczy

“Tonight was all incredible!!”
-Patte Elrod

“…Wendy is a very special person. She emits/radiates a special energy that is so calming.”
-Deborah Koch

-Diana Young

“Dr. Wendy is a positive, Powerful messenger who shares the science of self-love to heal both your heart and mind!”
-Les Brown, Motivational Speaker & Author of “Live Your Dreams”

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Testimonial 4 ALSO Testimonial 9 Testimonial 10Testimonial 62013.06.30.All You Need To Do is Be

Testimonial 8


Listen below to Testimonial:










Given that the retreat is worth millions of dollars to the seeker of Truth, and of outstanding value, you are probably wondering, “Well, what is the cost of an I CAN HEAL® Personalized Retreat?”



Oct 11 – 13 Personalized I CAN HEAL® RETREAT



Oct 18 – 20 Personalized I CAN HEAL® RETREAT


I think you’ll be delighted to know that if you invest in yourself TODAY, your I CAN HEAL® Personalized Retreat will include special bonuses, including:

  1. A full year of monthly I CAN HEAL® personalized consulting sessions, for accountability to put your new learnings into place and help you launch your new life right, answer any questions you may have, and start living each day to your fullest potential with your healthy, new practices, which will allow you to maintain an increased state of happiness, and stay on track.  With twelve months of meetings–12 months of getting to voice your questions, and get instant answers, support, and feedback–you are perfectly positioned to stay on track and achieve your dreams! This offering is of $3,600 value!
  2. A DVD that contains my full-length talk, “A Treasure Map to Happiness,” which has been scientifically proven to increase “love of life,” so it is bound to increase your love for life!
  3. Exclusive access to my full-length DVD, “Don’t Believe Everything You Think: Ten Illusions that Prevent Us from Finding True Happiness” of this talk, which you’ll see won a standing ovation, so it is bound to inspire and enlighten you, and cheer you up!
  4. An audio CD entitled Healing to Wholeness Undeterred, which is heartfelt and humorous and which I created to uplift you into a state of joy!
  5. A powerpoint entitled The Pillars of Happiness!

I’ll even sweeten the deal for you, and throw in my book on the social influence science of happiness, called “Towards a General Theory of Social Psychology,” which I published in 2009, so you can see the map of truth–the map to the soul–as I derived, discovered, and uncovered it in its original form. It’s the book behind the teaching I impart–to help you heal yourself, free yourself, love yourself, and finally find the path to unending happiness!

By registering for this retreat, you will obtain access to my full I CAN HEAL® healing system that will transform your life into a miracle of unending bliss!

I think you’ll agree my extraordinary, life-changing  I CAN HEAL® retreat is the best investment you can make in your life at this time to find happiness!!!

AND I’ll take all the risk upon myself, so you have nothing to lose.

Register now and see for yourself: If you don’t love it, I’ll send you a complete refund for everything AND you can keep the bonus materials. I can’t be fairer than that! 

That’s not all: I will also throw in my healing The Gift of Cancer book on happiness with contents that have been scientifically proven to uplift your mood! I’ll sign it for you, too!

Remember, if you register today, you will get my full self-care system: a signed The Gift of Cancer book with contents proven to increase mood, a Towards a General Theory of Social Psychology book on the social influence science of happiness, a personalized retreat in a luxurious setting, a happiness DVD, a happiness CD, another happiness CD, and 12 months of I CAN HEAL® personalized consulting sessions, valued at $3,600, to launch your bliss and keep it in place, so you have nothing to lose!

Space is limited, so register today, to secure this amazing life-changing opportunity while you still can!



Oct 11 – 13 Personalized I CAN HEAL® RETREAT



Oct 18 – 20 Personalized I CAN HEAL® RETREAT



Copyright (c) 2019 by Wendy Treynor. All rights reserved.