THE NEW PSYCHOLOGY of HOW TO BE HAPPY: International Happiness Social Psychologist Dr. Wendy Treynor, Ph.D., is a Pioneer of The New Psychology of Happiness, Bridging Science & Spirit, Putting the Soul (“Psyche”) Back in Psychology. Her Revolutionary Research on Happiness & Social Influence, Expressed as the I CAN HEAL® Framework, Changes Lives & is Celebrated by THE #1 NEW YORK TIMES BEST-SELLING AUTHOR, WHO HAS SOLD MILLIONS OF BOOKS IN 35 LANGUAGES, Dr. Adam Grant, & another NEW YORK TIMES BEST-SELLING AUTHOR, Dr. Heidi Hanna, as well. Her Work is Featured on CBS-TV, SUCCESS Magazine, & PSYCHOLOGY TODAY and HAS REACHED OVER A MILLION PEOPLE WORLDWIDE, according to Reach Figures Provided by TV & Radio Shows on which She’s been Interviewed. She’s Given Speeches at U.C.L.A., U.C. BERKELEY, YALE Alumni Club Hong Kong, NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY TAIPEI IMBA, TECHNION ISRAEL INSTITUTE of TECHNOLOGY & UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES in Sydney, Australia, plus at FORTUNE Magazine-Celebrated Companies GOOGLE, MERCER, & PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS, to Name a Few. She’s Given Retreats Internationally, and at the Award-Winning TERRANEA Resort in LA, Voted “Top 5 Hotel Spas in the Continental United States,” by TRAVEL & LEISURE. She Touches Audiences with her Speeches, Blending Story & Scholarship to Empower, Enlighten, Inspire, Entertain, Inform & Transform: She’s Been a STANDING OVATION SPEAKER at THE INSIDE EDGE and THE CONSCIOUS LIFE EXPO and is Listed in WHO’S WHO in AMERICA 2020
THE NEW PSYCHOLOGY of HOW TO BE HAPPY: International Happiness Social Psychologist Dr. Wendy Treynor, Ph.D., is a Pioneer of The New Psychology of Happiness, Bridging Science & Spirit, Putting the Soul (“Psyche”) Back in Psychology. Her Revolutionary Research on Happiness & Social Influence, Expressed as the I CAN HEAL® Framework, Changes Lives & is Celebrated by THE #1 NEW YORK TIMES BEST-SELLING AUTHOR, WHO HAS SOLD MILLIONS OF BOOKS IN 35 LANGUAGES, Dr. Adam Grant, & another NEW YORK TIMES BEST-SELLING AUTHOR, Dr. Heidi Hanna, as well. Her Work is Featured on CBS-TV, SUCCESS Magazine, & PSYCHOLOGY TODAY and HAS REACHED OVER A MILLION PEOPLE WORLDWIDE, according to Reach Figures Provided by TV & Radio Shows on which She’s been Interviewed. She’s Given Speeches at U.C.L.A., U.C. BERKELEY, YALE Alumni Club Hong Kong, NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY TAIPEI IMBA, TECHNION ISRAEL INSTITUTE of TECHNOLOGY & UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES in Sydney, Australia, plus at FORTUNE Magazine-Celebrated Companies GOOGLE, MERCER, & PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS, to Name a Few. She’s Given Retreats Internationally, and at the Award-Winning TERRANEA Resort in LA, Voted “Top 5 Hotel Spas in the Continental United States,” by TRAVEL & LEISURE. She Touches Audiences with her Speeches, Blending Story & Scholarship to Empower, Enlighten, Inspire, Entertain, Inform & Transform: She’s Been a STANDING OVATION SPEAKER at THE INSIDE EDGE and THE CONSCIOUS LIFE EXPO and is Listed in WHO’S WHO in AMERICA 2020

Events 2

Los Angeles

I CAN HEAL® Online Retreat on HOW TO BE HAPPY

Jan 8-10 2021

To Register: